Lake Ontario Engagement Session | Beach Love

Jillian & Aaron

I thank the Pokemon craze for the last minute location change that at the time, seemed a bit chaotic, but lead to gorgeous images and a magical sunset. So thank you Pokemon, for making the crowds gather at our original location!  

Goodness where to begin?! These two were master snugglers and pro smoochers and were so sweet to photograph! I loved watching them interact and how sweet their chemistry was, it was absolutely beautiful. And I cannot forget Aaron’s son who had the very best smile and I think shared my love for the water! The sweetest little family and you can just feel the love radiating from them! 

I have nothing but LOVE for the beach (having grown up in a beach town, its in my blood) and the sound of the waves are seriously one of my favorite sounds but for goodness sakes it’s loud when you’re trying to talk! We did have a few laughs but none of it mattered, Jillian and Aaron needed very little guidance and just did what they do best – love each other. 

What an incredible evening and I hope you love the images as much as I did taking them. I am crazy excited for your wedding and can’t wait to meet you guys for ice cream soon!!

Love + Ice Cream,

Tressa 🙂


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