Rochester, NY Engagement

Monica + Mike in Highland Park

We timed the blooms perfectly for their Rochester, NY engagement session! The light was pure magic and if out of a fairy tale, a light breeze came just in time. Gosh, I really can’t make this stuff up! It was that good!

I met Monica & Mike when she was a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding last year and was so excited when she reached out with her own engagement news! I left Michelle & Paul’s wedding last summer sincerely thinking I’d met one of the sweetest families and I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to see everyone again!

How cute are their sweet pups, Riley & Watson?! It was so fun they included them for a part of their session and a huge thank you to Monica’s mom for her help!

One of my favorite things about Highland Park is how different it looks in every season and how each time you go you find the most beautiful little niches. This time was no exception.

If a golden hour in the park wasn’t enough, we headed to Cobb’s Hill for the most incredible view of the city as the sunset.

Monica & Mike, I know you are both in a very busy season of life and I am so happy we got to spend this time together. I loved getting to know you both! Photographing the two of you at this moment was so special and I can’t wait for your Sonnenberg & NY Kitchen wedding next August!

It was so hard to choose, here are some of my favorites!

View the slideshow to see more!

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