Village Gate Engagement Session | Kristin + John | Rochester, NY

During consultations I usually ask about the proposal and up until that moment, Kristin had done most of the talking – which is the norm but when I asked if they would share the story, John spoke right up. The story goes, (as told by John) Kristin was growing the teeniest bit impatient waiting for him to ask her to marry him. She knew it was coming and the Holidays seemed like the perfect time. Family was gathered, love was in the air and the feeling of celebration bounced off the walls. Christmas morning came and went. Presents were shared, paper was torn and laughter was abundant – but still no ring. Kristin escaped to put on comfy clothes and returned to the living room to take her place on the couch for the afternoon to relax, trying not to feel the tinge of disappointment wash over her as she realized it wasn’t going to happen as she expected. John, trying not to notice the look of disappointment waited – for the perfect moment. The moment when he could savor the tradition and the element of surprise. When all expectation was gone, the words came out, the sparkle of the ring lit the room and she said yes!  Kristin’s version is just a bit different but for this once, we’ll leave the story as told, through the eyes of John. 🙂

Kristin and John deserve a serious high five – we shot the outdoor portion of this session in -6 degree weather! It was crazy cold! Brrrr!

I really couldn’t be happier to get to know these two. They are the sweetest, most down to earth people that I truly feel blessed to have met. It was a joy watching you two love on each other and make each other smile. I’m so darn excited for August and to see you both again!



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