Lake Ontario and Private Residence Engagement Session

Amy + Matt | Hilton, NY

Let’s forget for a moment that Amy selected two of my all time favorite locations, the beach and an apple orchard and let me start by saying how much I adored this perfect-for-each-other-sweet-as-can-be gorgeous couple! I mean when you roll up to meet a couple for the first time and you have to get out in a torrential flash flood and you’re greeted by the bride’s dad holding an umbrella for you and you meet the stunning bride-to-be who’s put McGyver to shame crafting a hair and makeup saving hat from a Wegmans bag, you know it’s going to lead to a magical night! Y’all, Amy and Matt brought their A-Game! 🙂 I have to give some serious props to Amy for styling a gorgeous beach ensemble for both her and Matt and then switching for a rad fall walk in the orchard look. Their fur baby, Otis almost stole the show! Otis was the most well behaved, gentle pup but Amy and Matt’s sweet love was the show stopper! 

Amy and Matt – I adored your down to earth spirit. Behind that calmness are two souls who are working hard to make their dreams come true with more accomplishments than I can list. Watching Matt’s face light up when Amy is near was the most fun and after getting to know Amy – I can begin to understand why. You guys are incredible and I’m so lucky to be able to get to know you and I’m beyond excited for your wedding next year! 

I hope you enjoy these faves from your session!



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