Allie & Justin

I wasn’t quite sure we were going to do this session this day… we almost cancelled due to a storm brewing. Thankfully, the rain held off and the sun even made an appearance! I love this little nook by the water full of different visual niches to photograph and really give a great variety. The fall colors came out in full force and and made the entire session super magical.

During our consultation I was able to meet both Allie & Justin’s moms and it gave an incredible insight to these two! Their love and dedication to their families was beautiful and the way their moms loving looked out for them and described them as individuals and their lives together was quite special. These two have kind of grown up together and have already faced the test of time. With all the support these two have, I know only great things are going to happen!

Justin was not feeling well and I cannot give him enough credit for really trying to enjoy the moment and be present with Allie. You two were incredible together and Allie – your smile and laugh are infectious!!! I could not be happier with all the beautiful moments you two had in front of my camera and the great photos we created together! I cannot wait for the wedding this summer at Deerfield Country Club!

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