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A Classic, Intimate Wedding | Pittsford, NY It never gets old hearing how couples meet, each story is unique and filled with magic and the perfect circumstances. Heather and Brett’s, is one such story! Brett and his family are from Canada, these two were not headed on similar paths to meet, but Heather wanted to […]

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Heather + Brett



Melody and Joseph met in college at their local radio station – Joseph a host of a couple of shows and Melody pushing herself out of her comfort zone to meet people. Although at first glance these two may seem like opposites, I think they are two peas in a pod! They both share the […]

Ice Rink and Fairport Engagement Session | Melody + Joseph


Starting off a morning strolling through a garden with a couple in love sounds fantastical, but sometimes this is my reality. This was such a day! I’ve lived in Rochester over 8 years and this was the first time I had ever visited the gardens at the Eastman Museum gardens and I will never let that […]

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George Eastman House | Garden Engagement Session



1. Hire professionals you trust and are confident in. Start with this thought…when I look back on a thirty-second clip of my wedding day, how would I describe it? Your answer will tell you what’s most important to you. Once you’ve found the venue and vendors that you think can make that dream a reality, […]

5 Tips To Planning A Wedding Day {So You Can Enjoy It}


Happy Wednesday Friends!  I looove preggo bellies and the glow we all talk about – that’s totally real!  It’s an unbelievable time and I am in awe of what a woman’s body is capable of! I am amazed at this woman! Patti has two small children whom she loves and cares for, (of course with the help […]

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Patti & Baby E | A Private Residence Maternity Session



These two are so darn sweet and absolutely gorgeous! I cannot tell you how much fun I had spending time with them and in their hometown no less! As a girl who’s moved more than she cares to think about – I am in love with the history these two have with each other and […]

Oswego, Ny Engagement Session | Nicole + Kevin


During consultations I usually ask about the proposal and up until that moment, Kristin had done most of the talking – which is the norm but when I asked if they would share the story, John spoke right up. The story goes, (as told by John) Kristin was growing the teeniest bit impatient waiting for […]

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Village Gate Engagement Session | Kristin + John | Rochester, NY



This sweet family is one of the reasons I love my job. I photographed Lauren & Andrew’s wedding a couple of years ago, I helped them announce they were expecting and now their handsome little guy is 6 months old! He is the perfect combination of the two of them, I mean for real! Lauren, […]

Alex is 6 Months!


Let me just say, for the record, how cool this sweet family is and how awesome it’s been for me to photograph so many of their wonderful milestones. What a wonderful adventure I always look forward to! I hope you all had the best visit with friends and family and I wish you all the […]

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Christmas With the Case-Hayes!



I wanted to post this before the snow started and I felt like it was too late. I can’t lie, I’m not always diligent at photographing my own children. I get busy and then its never the right weather or the girls aren’t feeling up to it. The list goes on. Each time I photograph […]

My Middle Sweetie

Family, Family, Personal

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